
hewwo iā€™m clementine and i love drawing and beefy boys thanks


1. about

ā™” you can call me clem!
ā™” she/her
ā™” artist
ā™” FUB free
ā™” i love purin and shibes


2. fandoms

ā™” sidem
ā™” A3!
ā™” idolish7
ā™” hypmic
ā™” banyaro
ā™” tsukipro
ā™” gintama
ā™” etc.


3. extra

ā™” mutuals pls tag nsfw~
ā™” sb when unfollowing
ā™” canada
ā™” student
ā™” i love talking to my mutuals!
ā™” enfj
ā™” i love my ocs
ā™” akatsukiP
ā™” frameP
ā™” i die 4 big bottoms, soft delinquents, long dark haired (ponytail) charas, and Muscles


4. faves

ā™” i love all of akatsuki (souma best boy)
ā™” adonis
ā™” katsura kotarou
ā™” mtr (doppo)
ā™” mtc (riou)
ā™” soshi kagurazaka
ā™” fushimi omi
ā™” banri oogami
ā™” hideo akuno
ā™” riku
ā™” ryuu
ā™” teppei shirayuki
ā™” belial
ā™” siegfried


5. ships

i'm basically a huge multishipper lmao
ā™” adosou
ā™” kansou
ā™” kaosou
ā™” kurochia
ā™” madakuro
ā™” tettsuba
ā™” granbeli
ā™” banre:vale
ā™” jakudo
ā™” hifudo/dohifu
ā™” mtc ot3 lol but i love bottom riou
ā™” literally all omi ships


6. links

thanks 4 reading! ^7^